Prayer Requests January 2009

A place to live

A place to start the bible school

A smooth transition of the ministry here in Hungary and then to New Zealand

Basically everything from A – accommodation to F -finances to Z- and I cant even think of anything under Z – probably need prayer for that too!

Thankful – well , big list

We have been granted permanent residency of New Zealand

Temporary accommodation upon arrival … thanks Ross & Lakes ranch

Great people to work with Scott & Steve – Pastors CC Rotorua & CC Hamilton

The Lord’s provision through great friends to help with the move back to England

and so much more….

5 thoughts on “Prayer Requests January 2009

  1. nice guys, you have surely impacted my life with your steadfastness and keen understanding of Gods word along with the ability to communicate it clearly. safe travels, see you before you leave-
    cheers mate M & G


  2. It’s so encouraging to see the LORD bringing the vision to pass now!
    I am so excited!
    Blessing from Germany,
    Andrew and Miriam Rann


  3. Family Walsh,
    We think of you and pray over your efforts often. Be encouraged and know that I AM is always with you and will not give you more than you can bear.
    So perhaps not a new language but a new accent?!
    Blessings from Canada
    Channing & Amy


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