Walsh Prayer requests & Short update – March 2013

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Hi everyone, we wanted to get some prayer requests out to you this week in particular as CCBI will be heading out for their 10 day outreach.

We are blessed to have 16 students this semester here at CCBI and God has given us a great bunch , we are privileged and blessed to be able to minster to them and alongside them.

We have teams going to serve at Calvary chapel Perth in Western Australia, CC Whangarei & CC Nelson in New Zealand. I will be leading the Perth team, please pray for us that the Lord would go before us and would open up the doors and opportunities of ministry that He wants us to walk in. We will be serving in a variety of ways, in worship and in the children’s ministry along with practical help in relation to their new building, more than anything the heart is to refresh the hearts of the saints. Please make that your prayer as you stand with us in this ministry. The teams going to Nelson and Whangarei in New Zealand have the same heart, simply to refresh the saints, the two teams literally going to the opposite ends of the country and to the different Islands of New Zealand, will gather together on the weekend of the 22nd March for the Jesus Surf Classic at Mount Manganui. We will serve alongside Shoreline church in Mount Manganui as we help to put on this surf competition alongside Christian Surfers of New Zealand. This event gets access to some great surfing terrain (apparently – I am still english and asking why ? :)), access that even Billabong and Rip curl don’t get , so please pray for many to be saved, we will handing out bibles, water and sunscreen with a view to share in the gospel and seeing many come to Christ at the the shoreline.

Please pray for Gods Spirit to move & souls to be saved.

Please stand with us and pray for:

God’s wisdom and direction as we lead the school here at CCBI, that the Lord would bring those He wants to study and minster here for the next semester starting at the end of August.

For the students that there hearts and lives would be deeplytouched and they would be changed irrevocably.

That we all would go deeper in Him and in the Word

That the Lord would raise up more men and women to serve him in this area of the World, mighty men that He would use to plant churches and serve Him in the Pacific rim region.

For more bible teaching churches and ministries in New Zealand, especially for the ministry of CC Rotorua (Pastor Scott Clifford), CC Hamilton (Pastor Steve Jones) and Shoreline (Pastor Dave Heitman). We activly serve with three student teams at these fellowships , please pray for the teams and for each of these fellowship and the men that lead them.

For us as a family:

Jordy has returned to University and please pray for his adjustment and that he would find a great place to fellowship, he missed he second year entrance in to Medicine by a whisker and so now must continue with his Bio Sciences degree for another two years before he can reapply for medicine. He is pretty disappointed and it has shaken his confidence a little,. I am sure he would value your prayers and encouragement .

Becky is pressing on in school and finding some subjects hard work as the pressure comes on , she has been doing very well and finished last years high school year as an excellence student here in New Zealand, she is growing in the Lord, we are very proud of her and deeply grateful to the Lord for how He has led us and cared for our children as he has moved us around the globe in His service, they has missed out on nothing we are so thankful for the way HE has led them , please thank the Lord with us for His grace and guidance in the lives of our children.

For Gwyn and Mark, this is, and remains a difficult season, we are pretty drained and feel like we are failing at every turn, we moved in to new house in November and it only in the last week that we have actually been in the house alone as a family , we have had guests and visitors throughout this entire time, we have been very blessed , but Gwyn is pretty drained and tired. Mark is struggling in a different way, he is broken, actually literally, about 2 months ago we found out he had three herniated discs in his lower back, they have started to cause constant & severe pain. over the last 6 weeks he has been only able manage about 1 or two hours sleep a night, he can’t sit or rest but needs to literally walk and often walk for hours during the night. This has become very draining as you can imagine. It is nigh on impossible at this time to sit and pray, sit and study and he can travel for only short distance in the car because of the pain. It is quite debilitating and distracting as you can imagine, my prayer is that God would heal me and that is my expectation and desire. Please pray with us for healing, release and relief for Mark.

We really do appreciate your prayers and especially in this season of difficulty , please that we would be refreshed and revived in the Lord and would have full capacity to go on strong in His work.

We do thank you and covet your prayers love and care.

M & G

7 thoughts on “Walsh Prayer requests & Short update – March 2013

  1. Thank you for sharing your needs with us. I will faithfully pray for those these things you have brought to our attention.
    Please, Lord God, hem that family in your abundant care, give rest to the weary and healing to Mark. I know that pain well, my mother has suffered from it and continues in pain management. Give perseverance to them all including the kids to finish their schooling and use their talents, Lord. I pray for the windows of heaven to open and pour out favor on these servants of yours Jesus. We know we are called to longsuffering, but ease the burden Lord and help them claim much territory in your Name. We love our brother and sister and their family, and lift them up to you, God, our Shelter, our Comforter, our Father and Healer and give them life and life abundantly as you tell us in John 10:10. I pray against the schemes of the enemy to make them see anything they have done as failure, that is from Satan, not for God. Turn their disappointments into joy and reveal to them Your hand in all things. Thank you God for your everlasting love, let Mark and Gwyn feel your presence in a powerful way. let their prayers be a sweet incense to you and hear their cry. Protect the teams and all the workers in NZ, hide them in your pavilion and set them high upon a rock Psalm 27. You are precious and loved by Jesus and all of us, whos lives have been touched by you both. In Jesus Name, Amen


  2. Hello Mark & Gwen;
    I am blessed to hear your family and the ministry are doing well. I will keep your outreach in prayer.
    As for your back Mark i will keep you in prayer. I can relate on how debilatating it is as i had back surgery a number of years ago.
    Love to all,


  3. I am praying for you all – especially for Mark & Gwyn. For rest. For healing. For refreshing. For guidance. ~Ange


  4. Hi guys,

    My heart goes out to you all – I know firsthand the stresses and pains of the Ministry…. I will be praying and lifting you up in my prayers – may our great God and Father heal Marks back… May He also give you peace in this stressful season. I always try to remember that everything in our lives, all the things we are going through is Father Filtered. He knows what He’s doing (James 1:2).
    You are in my prayers – please keep in touch…

    In Christ Alone,
    Pastor Jason


  5. Love reading the updates. Just wanted you guys to know I am praying accordingly! May God continue to bless each thing you set your hands to. So thankful for your work in my life many years ago. Keep trusting His leading! πŸ™‚


  6. Hey Mark and Gwyn! We love you very much and pray that the Holy Spirit would uphold you. May the joy of the LORD be your strength as you continue to serve our Saviour and the saints. We are refreshed by you!


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